
Rules and Regulation

 Rules and Regulation Badminton  is one of the most popular racket sports in Singapore. With 17 different ActiveSG venues all over the island to   book your courts , it is no doubt one of the most popular recreational sport amongst Singaporeans. Equipment is also relatively inexpensive which makes it easy for new players to take up the sport. To get started, all you need is a badminton court, net, rackets and shuttlecocks. Badminton is fun which makes it a good activity for family and friends to bond. At the same time, it is also an effective calorie-burner that not only builds strength but put your reflexes to the test. After all, players are required to run, lunge, stretch, leap and jump around the 20 x 44 feet rectangular court. Just 30 minutes into the game you could feel as though you’ve been through an intense workout or just ran a marathon. Image: Here is a breakdown of badminton rules based on “Laws of Badminton Regulations 2017” by the Badminton World Federat
  Badminton Stances What’s a badminton stance? It is the way you stand when retrieving certain shots from your opponent.  This may be your first time hearing of this term. So far I have not seen any online badminton resource that covers this topic. Let me know in the comments section below if you use a different term for this.   But I thought it’s good information to share with you especially if you want to improve your games. Basically there’re 3 types of badminton stances, They are: Attacking Stance Defensive Stance Net Stance Using the correct stance to retrieve your opponent’s shots will definitely give you an advantage in a rally. 1. Attacking Stance Y ou’ll need to use this stance whenever you hit an  overhead forehand stroke . To get into the attacking stance, Turn your body facing the side of the court. Place your racket leg behind; your non-racket leg forward. Both legs should be shoulder width apart. Raise your racket and non-racket arm Hitting forehand strokes via the attack
The Complete Guide for Badminton Attire So, what do you wear to play Badminton?  For Badminton, wear shorts or a skirt with a light synthetic sports T-shirt. Avoid tracksuit pants or long-sleeved T-shirts as you need to be able to move freely. Avoid cotton materials for any of these. If you’re going to be playing regularly then have a pair of quality Badminton shoes in your bag. Badminton is accessible for all to pick up and play. If you’re joining a club, starting to compete or are getting coaching then you’ll need to be aware of more details then this. Read on to find out what the dress code is for more competitive play and more details around the essentials. What you need to wear, the essentials The absolute basics to wear for Badminton are: Good quality cotton sports socks A pair of sports shorts or a skirt A light sports T-shirt A quality pair of Badminton shoes Good quality socks are often overlooked for sports but they can be the difference between a comfortable, enjoyable playi

The Badminton Grips

  Let’s start with Basics! 1. You must know that every racket handle is octagonal in shape. The 8 sides of the handle are called bevels and they allow you to grip the racket properly. 2. You must never hold the racket tightly. It will prevent you from changing your grip. You should tighten your hold only when you are about to hit the shuttlecock. 3. Never hold the handle of the racket in your palm. Use your fingers for it. 4. Hold the racket in such a way that end of your palm is at the base of the handle. It will allow you to play your shots with more power. Learning the Badminton Gripping Technique Before you begin learning about the specific grips, you must know how to hold a racket in the correct position. Holding a badminton racket is simply like a handshake. Hold the racket as if you are shaking your friend’s hand. Now, let’s talk about the details: Where should you place your thumb? What about the other fingers? 1. Forehand Grip Your badminton racket handle will have two wide pa

History of Badminton

 Short History Badminton has a surprisingly long history given its relatively recent introduction onto the Olympic scene. Badminton was invented long ago; its origins date back at least two thousand years to the game of battledore and shuttlecock played in ancient Greece, India and China. Badminton took its name from Badminton House in Gloucestershire, the home of the Duke of Beaufort, where the sport was played in the last century. By coincidence, Gloucestershire is now the base for the International Badminton Federation. Founded in 1934 with nine members - Canada, Denmark, England, France, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland and Wales, membership of the International Badminton Federation has risen steadily. There was a notable increase in new members after badminton's Olympic debut at Barcelona. Development in the sport continues to grow and the current 142 members is expected to increase further. The first major IBF tournament was the Thomas Cup (world men's team cha